czwartek, 26 grudnia 2013

Breakeven ♥

Te święta można nazwać naprawdę cudownymi, nawet nie przeszkadzał mi brak śniegu co kiedyś było dla mnie podstawą. Rodzinna atmosfera, cudowne grono- coś co można sobie wymarzyć. Teraz tylko czekać do Sylwestra, który nadchodzi ogromnymi krokami. Życzę Wam wszystkiego co najlepsze w Nowym Roku. Spełnijcie wszystkie Wasze marzenia i dążcie uparcie do każdego Waszego celu. Mam nadzieję, że zobaczymy się tu jeszcze przed Sylwestrem :). 

I can say that this Christmas was awesome, I even didn't care of lack of snow, what was basic for me. Family atmosphere, awesome group- this is what we can dream about. I'm waiting for New Year Eve, which comes. I wish you all the best in new year. Make your all dreams come true and strive persistently to your purpose. I hope we will see each other before New Year Eve :). 

Heels:Oasap skirt :Oasap , bag: Reserved, blouse:Persunmall, necklace:Romwe, coat: Choies

Stock Hot Favs at holidays~ ~
18 hotties, every piece limited at 50 units
Opportunity knocks once!
*** Discount coupon (up to 90% off) are also offered here >

środa, 11 grudnia 2013

I love roses ♥

Strasznie cieszę się że jeszcze półtorej tygodnia i święta. Upragniony dla nas wszystkich czas. Uwielbiam tę atmosferę, bo to właśnie ona pozwala nam spojrzeć inaczej na świat. Święta to czas kiedy chcemy zrobić jakieś dobre uczynki, pomóc, wesprzeć. Zastanawia mnie jednak fakt dlaczego akurat serca ludzkie pękają w ten czas, dlaczego nie jest tak zawsze. Przecież pomagać trzeba zawsze, jest to najcenniejsza pompka własnej wartości. 

I am really happy cause it's only one and half week and the Christmas will. A coveted time for all us. I really love this atmosphere, cause it allows to see the world in other colours. Christmas is the time when we want to do some good deeds, help, support. I just wonder why people hearts break in this time, why it is not always. We must help always, it's the most valuable pump of self-worth. 

Skirt: Romwe, sweater and necklace: Reserved, jacket and heels: Wholesale-Dress


Romwe Xmas big sale!
Up to 80% off! Whole week!
Biggest discount! Most styles ever!
Date: 12/17/2013 -12/23/2013

Look into your closet, girls.  What's in there that you'd never take out -- never throw away in a million years? --- LBD, I think.
The little black dress (LBD) may be an essential part of any woman's wardrobe now.
Its simple elegance -- you didn't need to spend a lot of money to keep yourself looking put together. They were popular in Hollywood during the Technicolor craze, because a black dress wouldn't clash with the other colors on the screen as a brighter dress might.
It is a fashion staple that goes on and on since Audrey Hepburn' classic little black dress style in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
But does that mean we are not considering an update to our ‘staples’ Never

I found this one at Romwe today, amazing little black dress.
Its exquisite details and designs attract me immediately.

This fashionable little black dress will take you practically anywhere, timeless, season-less and flattering. It’s ability to create a slimmer silhouette, it flatters every body type, skin tone and age. It has the ability to look casual, elegant, sophisticated and even shabby chic.

Here are some fashion blogger’s look with this little black dress:

Wow, can’t wait to wear it!

Remember that Coco Chanel so wisely said, “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”
So Dress yourself up now, beauties!

The great news is that Romwe will have a great deal of this little black dress, 500 pieces for you, lovely girls, with the most affordable price: $27.99, up to 35%off.
But only 24 hours.  Starts on 4pm 15th January GMT!
Here is the link, go!